Boed clod i'n Prynwr rhad

(RHAN II - O ryfedd Ras)
Boed clod i'n Prynwr rhad,
  Ein Ceidwas cu;
Fe dorrodd rym yr hen
  Iorddonen ddu:
Gorchfygodd angau cryf,
  Er awch ei gleddyf glas,
A drylliodd rwymau'r bedd,
  O! ryfedd ras!

Crist yw ein cadarn dwr
  Gwaredwr yw;
Dan gysgod tawel hwn
  Y byddwn byw:
Fe arwain ei holl saint,
  Er cymaint llid eu cas,
I mewn i'r nefol wledd,
  O! ryfedd ras!

Wrth orffwys ar yr Iawn,
  Ni gawn i gyd
Felysion ffrwythau'r groes
  Drwy'n hoes o hyd:
Mae yma hyfryd win
  I flin, o beraidd flas,
Maddeuant pur a hedd,
  O! ryfedd ras!

Yn rawnwin ar y groes
  Fe droes y drain,
Caed balm o archoll ddofn
  Y bicell fain:
Dechreuwn fawl cyn hir
  Na flinir ar ei flas
Am Iesu'r aberth hedd:
  O ryfedd ras!
Peter Jones (Pedr Fardd) 1775-1845

Tonau [6464.6664]:
Builth (David Jenkins 1848-1915)
Oswestry (<1875)
St Nicholas (alaw Almaenaidd)
Siloah (<1869)

  Rhan I - Daeth ffrydiau melys iawn
  Fe gymerth Iesu blaid
  Fel Oen arweiniwyd ef
  Gogwyddodd Crist ei ben

(PART 2 - O wonderful Grace)
Let there be esteem to our gracious Redeemer,
  Our dear Saviour;
He broke the force of the old
  Black Jordan:
He overcame strong death,
  Despite the edge of its sharp sword,
And smashed the bonds of the grave,
  O wonderful grace!

Christ is our firm tower
  A Deliverer he is;
Under this quiet shadow
  We shall live:
He will lead all his saints,
  Despite how great their enemies' wrath,
Into to heavenly feast,
  O wonderful grace!

While resting on the Atonement,
  We may all get
The sweet fruits of the cross
  All through our life:
There is here delightful wine
  To a weary one, of sweet taste,
Pure forgiveness and peace,
  O wonderful grace!

Into grapes on the cross
  He turned the thorns,
Balm was got from the deep wound
  Of the sharp spear:
We will begin praise before long
  Its zest not to be tired of
About Jesus the sacrifice of peace:
  O wonderful grace!
tr. 2009,19 Richard B Gillion

Sweet streams of pleasantness
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis(Elfed) 1860-1953

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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